Blues Hogs Honey Mustard Sauce Squeeze Bottle

Blues Hog Honey Mustard Sauce is a thick, golden gourmet sauce that starts with the zesty taste of prepared mustard and finishes with the sweet taste of honey. The exotic blend of spices nurtures the natural flavors of smoked meats.

Blues Hog gourmet sauces are gluten free and made of all natural, high-quality ingredients. With more awards than any other commercial sauce on the market, our products are used by 90% of competition bbq teams nationwide. Blues Hog is the award-winning choice of champions!

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159,00 kr

Artikelnr: blues17 Kategorier: , Etiketter: ,
1-3 Dagar leveranstid

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Vikt 500 g

Ingredienser: Senap (destillerad vinäger, senapsfrö, salt, gurkmeja och kryddor), honung, farinsocker, ketchup (röda mogna tomater, destillerad vinäger, majssirap med hög fruktoshalt, salt, lökpulver, krydda, naturlig smak), äppelcidervinäger, socker , salt, vatten, krydda, chilipulver (chilipeppar, kryddor, salt, vitlökspulver), torkad vitlök, arom, Worcestershiresås (destillerad vinäger, melass, majssirap, vatten, salt karamellfärg, socker, kryddor, ansjovis, soja, tamarind, sulfiter.