Grate Goods Carolina Golden Barbecue Sauce

The Best of the Best

Anyone who has traveled in the Carolinas and tasted the barbecue dishes of the Northern and Southern states will agree: “In Carolina we can barbecue the best in the world. Few other places can prepare a whole hog as flavorful and tender as here, where the meat is slow-cooked overnight. But we now know from experience that this barbecue truth holds true in almost every state. Wherever you get something fresh from the barbecue in America, the locals say it is “the best of the best”.

The further south, the sweeter

Barbecue sauces in the Carolinas are based on mustard.

In the North, mustard sauce is traditionally more acidic in flavor and thinner in texture. This is because the English introduced mustard and vinegar here long ago that gives this sauce its distinct character. In the South, in turn, the sauce has been influenced by the French, who have added some sugar to the sauce in addition to mustard. Our own Carolina Style Golden was inspired by this latter Southern variation. With a longer cooking time, the sharp taste of mustard diminishes somewhat and slowly becomes sweeter and sweeter, until it is perfectly balanced.

Taste guide

This traditional barbecue sauce that they couldn’t keep to themselves in the Carolinas is the sauce of choice at Whole Hog barbecue.

It is additionally recommended with pork chops and barbecue sausage, but is also suitable for experimenting with other meats such as chicken or pulled pork.

265 ml


I lager

55,00 kr

Artikelnr: dbcss15003 Kategorier: , Etikett:
1-3 Dagar leveranstid

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Vikt 300 g


Socker, vatten, vinäger, SENAPSKORN, alkoholvinäger, salt, hydrolyserat vegetabiliskt protein (SOJA), karamelliserad sockersirap, melass, KORNMALTSVINÄGER, dextros, örter, kryddor (innehåller SENAP), invertsockersirap, paprika, lök, förtjockningsmedel E415, apelsin, peppar, vitlök, Jalapeñopeppar, färg E150c, konserveringsmedel E224, surgörningsmedel E330, naturlig timjansmak, modifierad potatisstärkelse, konserveringsmedel E202