KosmosQ Wing Dust Buffalo

Kosmo’s Q is trying to change the way you see homemade buffalo wings. It’s as simple as this: why not get all the classic flavor of your favorite buffalo wing sauce, but nearly none of the mess? Kosmo’s special spice blend tastes just like mama used to make, only now you won’t have to give everyone at your table their own roll of paper towels! Just cook the wings like always, and when they’re done sprinkle a little Kosmo’s Buffalo Wing Dust on ’em while they’re still piping hot, take a bite, then slap yourself as you wonder how you didn’t think of this idea before!



I lager

135,00 kr

Artikelnr: Kosmos17 Kategorier: , , Etikett:
1-3 Dagar leveranstid

I lager


Vikt 500 g
Ingredienser: Salt, maltodextrin, natriumdiacetat, kryddor (inklusive cayennepeppar), druvsocker, 
ädelostpulver (pastöriserad MJÖLK, salt, OSTKULTUR, enzymer), natriumacetat, majsstärkelse, naturliga 
smakämnen (inklusive rök), kiseldioxid, askorbinsyra, artificiella färgämne E 110, dinatriuminosinat och 
dinatriumguanylat, guargummi, modifierad majsstärkelse, vitlökspulver, citronsyra, vit destillerad vinäger. 
Innehåller: MJÖLK