Suckle Busters Chicken Wing Seasoning

Full-Flavored and Spicy

Take your chicken wings to a whole ’nutha level with SuckleBusters BBQ Chicken Wing Seasoning! This is a full-flavored and savory seasoning with a medium level of heat from cayenne and black peppers. This seasoning is perfect for grilling any type of chicken and our chicken wing recipe is included on the label. Just sprinkle it on and grill your wings, add your favorite sauce and serve. All-natural, no MSG and gluten-free. Enjoy!

340 gram


Slut i lager

Artikelnr: 3032 Kategorier: , , Etikett:
1-3 Dagar leveranstid

Slut i lager


Vikt 300 g
Smakprofil: Full smaksatt och välsmakande

Styrkenivå: Medium (cayennepeppar)

Använd på: Kyckling och kalkon

Ingredienser: Havssalt, farinsocker, svartpeppar, paprika, chilipeppar, vitlök, lök, kryddor och 
kiseldioxid (mindre än 2 % för att förhindra klumpbildning)